
Alchemist | Antipaladin | Arcanist | Barbarian | Bard | Bloodrager | Brawler | Cavalier | Cleric | Druid | Fighter | Gunslinger | Hunter | Inquisitor | Investigator | Magus | Monk | Ninja | Oracle | Paladin | Ranger | Rogue | Samurai | Shaman | Skald | Slayer | Sorcerer | Summoner | Swashbuckler | Warpriest | Witch | Wizard

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Scholar (Hedge Wizard)

Scholar (Hedge Wizard) CR 4

Source GameMastery Guide pg. 296
XP 1,200
Human commoner 2/wizard 3
N Medium humanoid
Init +1; Senses Perception +6


AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10 (+1 Dex)
hp 22 (5d6+5)
Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +6


Speed 30 ft.
Melee dagger +2 (1d4/19–20)
Ranged dagger +3 (1d4/19–20)
Special Attacks hand of the apprentice (7/day)
Wizard Spells Prepared (CL 3rd; concentration +7)
2nd—blindness/deafness (DC 16), glitterdust (DC 16)
1st—charm person (DC 15), color spray (DC 15), unseen servant
0 (at will)—arcane mark, mage hand, mending, prestidigitation


Str 10, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 14, Cha 8
Base Atk +2; CMB +2; CMD 16
Feats Brew Potion, Combat Casting, Defensive Combat Training, Scribe Scroll, Skill Focus (Craft [alchemy])
Skills Appraise +12, Craft (alchemy) +15, Knowledge (arcana) +12, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +10, Knowledge (geography) +10, Knowledge (history) +10, Knowledge (local) +10, Perception +6, Profession (herbalist) +10, Spellcraft +12
Languages Aquan, Common, Elven, Gnome, Sylvan
SQ arcane bond (raven familiar)
Combat Gear potions of cure light wounds, darkvision, invisibility, levitate, protection from arrows, resist energy; Other Gear dagger, cloak of resistance +1, alchemy kit

Boon A hedge wizard can make alchemical items, brew potions, or scribe scrolls for the PCs at half cost. A hedge wizard can also share knowledge about the local area, granting a +2 circumstance bonus on Knowledge (geography), Knowledge (history), Knowledge (local), or Profession (herbalist) checks made in the local region.

A hedge wizard is a local dabbler in magic, sometimes a hermit or recluse wanting only privacy, but often a local loremaster or apothecary whose studies include both the natural and the supernatural.

Hedge wizards can serve as alchemists, sages, and scholars, or operate a curiosity shop or trading post dealing in magical and mundane items.

A hedge wizard might apprentice with a conjurist or hermit (CR 7) or partner with a medium as mystical advisors to a mayor (CR 9). Two cultists might be found working with a hedge wizard (CR 6), or a hedge wizard may work with a pilgrim and two acolytes to administer to a remote village (CR 6).